
Saturday, June 14, 2008

brand new leeds united news website

i've just started a new leeds united news website.
you can find it here:

Leeds United news , rumors and downloads

Check it out and find some infomtion about the leeds united football club!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

online entertainment

I have used lots of online entertainent technogies which include things such as:

flash games/animations

youtube/google video - social video sharing

fickr - social picture sharing

digg - social bookmarking

top of the pods - podcasts

namepros - message forum

design related blogs

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Downloading online goods and services from the net

There are a wide range of good and services you can download from the internet legally or illegally, here are some examples:

  • music
  • movies
  • software
  • games
  • podcasts
  • images/photos
  • software/hardware updates
  • documents

Limitations to downloading goods form the internet include things such as downmload speeds, realiablity, size and no warantys.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

online learning

There are many ways and media's avalibale online which can help you with your education.

Here are five media's avaliable ranked from what i find ok to what i find best:

-Plain Text-
I can learn from plain text which consists of text written about a topic im learning about. I find this media resource to be good when i need to find a quick facts or read up on somthing short. I dont like using this resource for when reading long text as it can become boring and you can lose your consentration.

Audio is a good resource for when it hard to understnd somthing from reading about it. A good example of an audio learning resource would be a podcast.

An interactive learning resource are useful becuase they can keep the users focus for a long time.

Using video to learn has the same advantages as a podcast but also means you can see what you are learning about.

-Rich Text-
Rich Text can included pictures , formatted text and links to other resources. An advantage with reading is you can go at your own pace and read over it again if you dont fully understand. Links can point you towards other websites which would helpyou with your learning and pictures can help you see what you are learning about.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

dissecting a frog

This following website gives you an interactive way of learning what is inside of a frog and the method used to dissect a frog:


The site gives you a walkthrough of all the steps you need to know to dissect a frog. For each step there is also a video link and a "try it" link letting you interact and learn more about dissecting the frog.

I think the website would be a good resource for anyone interested in this sort of thing and use of interactivity means the users attention is kept for longer.

Overview of bbc weather

The 5 day weather prediction from the BBC was mostly correct. The predictions were not always correct but on the whole they were good. I think that if i had paid to access the MET office to get the prediction of the weather the results would have been very simliar to what the BBC pridicted becuase they use the same data. One advantage would be that the MET have real-time data.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Prediction correct

Todays weather prediction was completly spot on today: 

Sunny and midly warm with  a bit of a breeze

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Todays weather:

Dry but dark and cold.


Wet and windy